How to Prevent a Pest Problem From Recurring

3 September 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you are dealing with a pest infestation, you might think you have successfully eliminated all the pests from your home, only to have them come back soon after. Use these tips to prevent reinfestation and keep your home free from all kinds of pests.

1. Kill Pests at All Stages of the Life Cycle

Many pest control products only kill adult pests, which means that you could be facing another infestation in a few days or weeks when their eggs hatch. To kill all pests, you either need to use a pest control product several times over a prolonged period or take extra measures to get rid of eggs and larvae, such as vacuuming or steam cleaning carpets.

Working out how to kill pests at all stages of life can be difficult, as it depends on the exact species you are dealing with. The best option is to hire a professional pest control company to help you.

2. Prevent Pests From Accessing Your Home

One of the best ways to keep your home free from pests is to prevent them from accessing it in the first place. Sealing up cracks in the walls and around windows and doors can help to keep many pests out. You can also reduce your risk of termite infestation by not storing firewood against the outside walls of your home, as it can act as a bridge for them to get inside the house. If you work with a professional pest control service, they will give you advice on how to make your home pest-proof.

3. Remove the Pests' Food Source

Pests are attracted to your home because it contains food for them. For example, ants like to breed in kitchens because they can find sweet treats there. Discourage pests by keeping your food in sealed containers inside cupboards, or in the refrigerator. Clean floors and surfaces regularly to remove traces of food that could attract pests.

4. Avoid Bringing Pests Into the Home

Some pests hitch a ride into your home on your clothing or in items that you buy and bring home. When purchasing second-hand furniture, be sure to check it carefully for termites. Try to avoid getting up close and personal with friends' pets if they have fleas. You can also limit the ability of pests to enter your home by removing shoes and outerwear and leaving them on your porch.
